The contemporary digital moment is marked by modularity, atomisation, and individuation. Dr. Nishant Shah calls this a condition of appification: a digital organisation and aesthetic structure that breaks up collective forms and political will into user profiles and customised apps that shape our interventions and usage of the web. This appification often excludes and makes invisible those who are the most affected by regulation and governance of digital infrastructure. Building upon feminist and postcolonial critique, Dr. Shah suggests that intersectionality might help us revisit our strategies and tactics for resilient digital governance.
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Dr. Nishant Shah is the Vice President for Research, at the ArtEZ University of the Arts, The Netherlands. He was the co-founder of the Centre for Internet & Society, India, and is a global knowledge partner for the Humanist Development Agency Hivos. His work is at the intersections of feminism, digital technologies, and critical humanities, focused towards examining digital collectives, subjectivities, politics, and infrastructure.