Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy

Accountability and the institutional design of labour laws: perspectives from India

Policy seminar with G. Manjunath
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Room S6, Maison de la paix, Geneva

Event postponed

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We are sorry to inform that our guest speaker will not be able to come to Geneva and that we will postpone the Policy Seminar to a later date.

We apologise for the inconvenience.

This policy seminar is organised in the context of the Centre's research project The Puzzle of Unspent Funds: The Institutional Architecture of Unaccountable Governance. It takes the case of the development of India's new labour codes, which is one of the largest such exercises ever conducted globally. It explores the relationship between labour law reforms, labour governance, and its institutional architecture. In particular, it asks: how will this new institutional architecture deal with the flexibilisation of the labour market, especially the Gig economy? Might it lead to a new balance between the responsibilities of the state and those of other stakeholders? How will it affect the funding and the use of social special-purpose funds?

Our guest speaker, Dr. G. Manjunath, is Additional Labour Commissioner (Admin.) of the Government of Karnataka, India. He has been working in the field of labour studies both as a policymaker and a researcher. He is currently writing a monograph on the making of India's new labour code. Dr Manjunath has been part of the process of the development of this new law. A key part of these reforms has entailed the re-categorisation of Gig workers and their incorporation into social security payment systems.