18:00: Reception and poster presentation

19:45: Poster competition winner announcement
19:50: Fireside chat with Prof. Beatrice Weder di Mauro and Fiona Frick (Founder of Circe Invest and former CEO, Unigestion) on Sustainable Finance: Where do we stand? (in room S12 at the FAB, P2-4)
The posters will be judged by the following jury:

Fiona Frick, Founder of Circe Invest and former CEO, Unigestion

Beatrice Weder di Mauro, Professor and André Hoffmann Chair in Global Economics, Climate and Nature Finance, Geneva Graduate Institute; and President, CEPR
Alexandra Fabbro, Global Head of Group Sustainability, SGS SA

Nathan Sussman, Professor and Pictet Chair in Finance and Development; Director, Centre for Finance and Development; and Director, MAS in Sustainable Finance and Development, Geneva Graduate Institute
Registration is required. Please register here
The aperitif is offered by the Centre for Finance and Development, and the MAS in Sustainable Finance and Development.