Marc HUFTY Photo profil


Professeur titulaire, Development Studies
Programme Lead, Centre for International Environmental Studies
Spoken languages
English, French, Spanish
  • Cities, Space and Geographies
  • Civil Society
  • Global Governance
  • Sustainability and SDGs


PhD University of Geneva (Graduate Institute of International Studies)
Marc Hufty is professor in Development Studies since 2008. He obtained his PhD in international relations from the Graduate Institute of International Studies (IUHEI) / University of Geneva in 1996. He has additional training in political science and political economy (Laval University, Canada) and anthropology (Strasbourg University, France). His research focus on multi-level environmental governance from a political ecology perspective. He has worked on the complex objects of natural resources, biodiversity, protected areas, forests, and adaptation to climate change. His current projects are centered on lithium extraction and commodity chain, and the EU Green Deal. He has conducted field research or taught in, among other countries, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Madagascar, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, South Africa.


Selected publications

  • Lorca M, Escosteguy M, Köppel J, Hufty M, Scoville-Simonds M. 2022. Mining Indigenous Territories: Consensus, Dissent and Tensions in the Atacama Salt Flat. The Extractive Industries and Society.
  • Escosteguy M, Ibarnegaray M, Diaz Paz W, Stern H, Clavijo A, Insaurralde C, Venencia C, Brannstrom C, Hufty M, Segghezzo L. 2022. Will electro-mobility encourage injustices? The case of lithium production in the Argentine Puna. In: Democratizing Energy: Imaginaries, Transitions, Risks. Nadesan M, Pasqualetti M, Keahey J (eds). Arizona State University.
  • Hufty, M., 2021. Indigenous and local people. In: Morin, J.-F. & Orsini, A. (eds). Essential concepts of Global Environmental Governance. 2d Ed. Earthscan/Routledge. ISBN 9780367418694
  • Scoville-Simonds, M., Jamali, A., Hufty, M. 2020. The Hazards of Mainstreaming: Climate change adaptation politics in three dimensions. World Development 125, 104683
  • Ruysschaert, D., Hufty, M. 2018. Building an effective coalition to improve forest policy: Lessons from the coastal Tripa peat swamp rainforest, Sumatra, Indonesia. Land Use Policy.
  • Lorca, M, Hufty, M. 2017. Gran Minería y Territorio. Usos Políticos del Patrimonio en el Huasco Alto, Región de Atacama, Chile, Intersecciones en Antropología,  18: 31-42.
  • Díaz-Castro L, Arredondo A, Pelcastre-Villafuerte BE, Hufty M. Gobernanza y salud mental: aportes para su abordaje en materia de políticas públicas. Rev Saude Publica. 2017; 51:4. DOI:10.1590/S1518-8787.2017051006991
  • Schulz, T., Hufty, M., Tschopp, M. 2017. Small and Smart: The role of Switzerland in the Cartagena and Nagoya Protocols negotiations, International Environmental Agreements. DOI 10.1007/s10784-016-9334-9



  • 2022/2023. Applicant. Lithium negotiations between South America and Europe: Towards a network and research agenda for a sustainable and just energy transition, With Diego Silva. Research Partnership Grants Bilateral research cooperation with the Latin American Region 2021-2024, University of StGallen.
  • 2021/23. Applicant. Green Dealings: Negotiating lithium between South America and Europe for batteries that fuel a just energy transition, SNIS. 8 partner researchers and 9 institutional partner organizations.
  • 2017/22. Applicant. The global political ecology of lithium (LITHIUM), SNF Section 1, with F. Calvão. Partners: Universidad Nacional de Salta Argentina, Universidad de Antofagasta Chile, CIDES San Andrés Bolivia.


Marc Hufty
Marc Hufty

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