PhD, Harvard University
Prof Liliana Andonova is a faculty member since 2008. She was previously a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute, Italy, and Assistant Professor in Government and Environmental Studies at Colby College, USA. She authored Transnational Politics of the Environment and EU Integration and Environmental Policy in Eastern Europe (2004) as well as numerous articles. Her current research focuses on institutional change and public-private partnerships, European integration, transnational governance, and climate cooperation.
- Multilateral diplomacy, international negotiations
- Governance & multilateralism
- International organisations, UN
- European Union
- Public-private partnerships
- Climate change & natural disasters
- Conservation & biodiversity
- Environmental governance & policies
- Sustainability, sustainable development & SDGs
- Accountability of International Organizations (2019-2023)
- Effectiveness of Partnership for Advancing the SDGs: Behavioural Pathways and Impacts (2017-2020)
Selected publications
- Partnerships for Sustainability in Contemporary Global Governance: Pathways to Effectiveness. Routledge. 2022. Co-authored with Dario Piselli.
- Governance Entrepreneurs. International Organizations and the Rise of Global Public-Private Partnerships. Cambridge University Press, 2017. Winner of 2019 Chadwick F. Alger Prize; co-winner of Harold and Margaret Sprout Award, International Studies Association.
- Transnational Politics of the Environment. EU Integration and Environmental Policy in Eastern Europe. MIT Press, 2004.
Peer reviewed articles and book chapters
- Clean Energy and Decentralized Global Governance In Global Governance in a World of Change, Barnett, M., Pevehouse, J. and Raustiala et al. (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2022.
- Transnational partnerships, domestic institutions, and sustainable development. The case of Brazil and the Amazon Region Protected Areas program. World Development, 2022, 157, 105809 (with Piselli D.).
- Emergence and Structuring of the Clean Energy Regime Complex. Global Governance, 2022, 28, 1–30 (with Sun Y. and Chelminski K.).
- What We Know (and Could Know) About International Environmental Agreements, Global Environmental Politics, 2020, 20, 1, pp. 103 - 121 (with Mitchell R, Axelrod M, Balsiger J et al.)
- Private Governance in Developing Countries: What Are the Drivers of Voluntary Carbon Offset Programs?, Global Environmental Politics, 2019, 19, 1, pp. 99 - 122 (with Sun Y.)
- Private Governance in Developing Countries: Drivers of Voluntary Carbon Offset Programs. Global Environmental Politics, 2019, 19:1, 99-122.(with Yixian Sun).
- The Power of the Public Purse: Financing of Global Health Partnerships and Agenda Setting for Sustainability. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, 2018, 16:3, 186-196.
- Transferring Technologies. In Jordan et al. 2018. Governing Climate Change. Polycentricity in Action? Cambridge Univeristity Press, pp. (with Kathryn Chelminski and Paula Castro)..
- Transnational Climate Governance and Public Regulations. Complements or Substitutes? International Studies Quarterly, 2017, 61, 253–268 (with Thomas Hale and Charles Roger).
- The Comparative Politics of Transnational Climate Governance. Special issue of International Interactions, 2017 (with Thomas Hale and guest editors)
- Private Government in Advanced Industrial Democracies. In Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Ed. Sandy Maisel. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017 (with Yixian Sun).
- Transnational Networks and Paths to EU Environmental Compliance: Evidence from New Member States, Journal of Common Market Studies, 2014, 52:4, pp. 775-793 (with Ioana Tuta).
- Boomerangs to Partnerships? Explaining State Participation in Transnational Partnerships for Sustainability, Comparative Political Studies, 2014, 47:3, pp. 481-515.
- Business Humanitarian Partnerships: Processes of Normative Legitimation, Globalizations, 2014, 11:3, pp. 349-367 (with Gilles Carbonnier).
- Partnerships. In Morin, Jean-Frédéric and Amandine Orsini, eds, 2015. Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance. Routledge (with Manoela Assayag)
For the full list please see Prof Andonova's CV