

Assistant Professor in Anthropology and Sociology & Pictet Chair in Finance and Development
Faculty Affiliate, Centre for Finance and Development
Faculty Affiliate, Gender Centre
Spoken languages
English, Spanish, French
  • Economies and Institutions
  • Gender, Class, Race and Intersectionality
  • Finance and Investment
Geographical Area
  • Africa, Western
  • Africa, Southern


PhD, Brown University 

Kristen McNeill's research interests center on social drivers of economic and financial behaviors, gender inequalities, and international development, and she uses mixed qualitative and quantitative methods. Her current research in the context of microlending examines how nominally gender-neutral processes governing access to financial resources can be profoundly gendered in practice. 



  • Microfinance
  • Gender & public policies
  • Markets & international investment


Selected publications

  • McNeill, K. and R. Pierotti. Forthcoming. “Reason-Giving for Resistance: Relational Work and Obfuscation in Informal Financial Assistance.” Socio-Economic Review.
  • Doering, L. and K. McNeill. 2020. “Elaborating on the Abstract: Group Meaning-Making in a Colombian Microsavings Program.” American Sociological Review 83(3): 417-450.
  • Rodin, D., K. McNeill, N. Vite-León, and J. Heymann. 2012. “Determinants of Informal Employment among Working Mothers in Mexico.” Community, Work & Family 15: 85-99.
  • Heymann, J. with K. McNeill. 2013. Children’s Chances: How Country Action Changes Children’s Opportunities. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 
Kristen McNeill