

Founder and Chair of the International Advisory Board, Global Health Centre
Spoken languages
English, German
  • Global Health

Professor Ilona Kickbusch is the Founder of the Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute in Geneva. Her areas of expertise include the political determinants of health, health in all policies and global health. She advises countries on their global health strategies, trains health specialists, and is involved in German G7 and G20 health activities. She publishes widely and serves on various commissions and boards. Ilona is a member of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board and Co-Chair of UHC 2030, and the Lancet and Financial Times Commission on "Governing health futures 2030: growing up in a digital world". She has had a distinguished career with the WHO. She was a key instigator of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion and WHO’s Healthy Cities Network and has remained a leader in this field, most recently advising on WHO’s activities related to Health in the SDGs. She was the Director of the Global Health Division at Yale University School of Public Health and responsible for the first major Fulbright Programme on global health.

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