As part of the 9th “Support Don’t Punish” global day of action taking place every 26 June, we invite you to discuss alternatives to current prohibitive and ineffective drug policies around the world. What can governments do to move towards more public health and human rights-based policies?
Neuroscientist Carl Hart recently published his second book Drug use for grown-ups, chasing liberty in the land of fear and adds many arguments to this debate:
"I wrote this book to present a more realistic image of the typical drug user: a responsible professional who happens to use drugs in his pursuit of happiness. Also, I wanted to remind the public that no benevolent government should forbid autonomous adults from altering their consciousness, as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others."
How are these issues playing out around the world right now? Join us for an exciting dialogue and discussion with Carl Hart to rethink global drug policies.
- Carl Hart, Professor of Psychology, Columbia University; Visiting Research Fellow, Global Health Centre
- Michel Kazatchkine, Commissioner, Global Commission on Drug Policy
- Thomas Zeltner, Chair, Swiss Research Institute for Public Health and Addiction
- Moderator: Elaine Fletcher, Editor in Chief, Health Policy Watch