Liv Halperin

Liv Halperin

Interdisciplinary Programme
Spoken languages
French, English, Spanish, Hebrew, German, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic


Dr. Liv Halperin holds a BA & MA in international relations from the Geneva Graduate Institute, a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School (Medford/USA) and a Ph.D. from the Department of Conflict Resolution and Management at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev. In addition to her work as a lecturer at NYU (course: “History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”, Tel Aviv campus) and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (course: “The role of women and gender in nonviolent resistance and social activism”), Liv has, for the past 20 years, been a practitioner in the fields of (feminist) peacebuilding/conflict resolution, human rights, refugee protection and humanitarian affairs with the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, a renowned Middle Eastern policy think tank and various NGOs, in Peru, Mozambique, Angola, Haiti, Colombia, Switzerland and Israel/Palestine. Liv is an active member of the Swiss Women in Peace Processes (SWIPP) professional network and, starting in September, will serve as the Senior Advisor for Peacebuilding during Peace Negotiations at PeaceWomen across the Globe, in Berne.

Liv’s academic research focuses on the meaning of emotions and of hope in contemporary peace movements as well as on gendered forms of nonviolent resistance. Three of her articles were recently been published in peer-reviewed journals.



Halperin, L. (2023): Beyond clueless mothers: Israeli “Women Wage Peace” activists’ perceptions of why women are key to peacemaking, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society.

Halperin, L. (2023): The meaning of hope for Israeli peace activists: consolidation of collective identity, antidote to despair and spiritual resource, Emotions and Society

Halperin, L. (2022): Combining emotions: hope, anger, joy, and love in Israeli peace movements, Social Movement Studies.

Liv Halperin