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Hoffmann Centre For Global Sustainability

Scaling Agroecology in India, Bolivia and Burkina Faso

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Resumen del proyecto


Scaling Agroecology in India, Bolivia and Burkina Faso es un proyecto de investigación-acción diseñado para identificar, probar y evaluar el apoyo necesario para adoptar prácticas agrícolas basadas en los principios de la agroecología. El objetivo del proyecto es contribuir a mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición sin comprometer los ecosistemas naturales.

Numerosas iniciativas individuales y comunitarias, proyectos y algunos ejemplos de políticas públicas, como en la India, demuestran que la agroecología es una alternativa viable a los sistemas convencionales de producción agrícola. Dados sus múltiples beneficios -productivos, económicos, sociales y medioambientales- cabe preguntarse por qué no se practica más la agroecología y cómo puede extenderse a más productores y en más tierras.

La experiencia demuestra que la expansión de la agroecología requiere apoyo externo. Este apoyo puede adoptar la forma de actividades de aprendizaje compartido, suministro y/o subvención de insumos agroecológicos, apoyo organizativo a los agentes de transformación y comercialización, sensibilización de los consumidores y certificación de productos alimentarios.

Planteamos que la expansión de la agroecología requiere la implicación no sólo de los productores, sino también de los responsables políticos y los agentes técnicos, los comerciantes, los transformadores y otros intermediarios de las cadenas de valor, y los consumidores. Por ello, el proyecto pretende apoyar a todos los actores del sistema alimentario en un proceso de cambio que desemboque en :

  • Medidas de apoyo a la agroecología por parte de las autoridades locales (servicios de extensión, por ejemplo).
  • Un mayor número de productores que practiquen la agroecología, en superficies más amplias;
  • Un mayor desarrollo y comercialización de productos agrícolas agroecológicos;
  • Aumento de la demanda y el consumo de productos agroecológicos.  

El proyecto está organizado en tres fases: (1) identificación de las necesidades y demandas de apoyo de las partes interesadas y selección de los sistemas de apoyo; (2) ensayo de los sistemas de apoyo; (3) evaluación de los resultados, es decir, en qué medida los sistemas de apoyo contribuyen a los cambios necesarios antes mencionados.
El proyecto se está ejecutando en regiones en las que los socios de la India, Bolivia y Burkina Faso, institutos de investigación aplicada y profesionales del desarrollo, ya trabajan con productores, organizaciones comunitarias y autoridades locales. Esta experiencia y conocimientos favorecen un enfoque lo más participativo posible, que implica a todas las partes interesadas en las actividades de investigación y diagnóstico, el diseño y las pruebas, y la evaluación de los sistemas de apoyo.

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Scaling Agroecology in India, Bolivia & Burkina Faso

Featured Farmer: Smt. C Saraswathi
Location: S V Puram Village, Andhra Pradesh

Smt. C Saraswathi, from the small village of S V Puram in Andhra Pradesh, embodies the resilience and innovation that agroecology can inspire. Over the past two years, her kitchen nutrition garden has become a thriving source of fresh vegetables and fruits, nurturing not only her family but also her community.

“When the pandemic hit, finding fresh produce was difficult,” Saraswathi explains, standing amidst her flourishing garden. “That’s when I realized I had the power to grow my own.” Using bio-fertilizers and organic inputs like cow dung and urine, Saraswathi has turned her four cents of land into a model for sustainable agriculture. Her success has inspired others in her village to replicate her practices, proving that even small-scale gardens can make a big impact on food security.

The variety of vegetables she grows—tomatoes, okra, brinjal, and cowpeas—has improved her family’s diet and supplemented her income. “I earn Rs. 500 weekly by selling the extra vegetables at the local market,” she says with a smile. But beyond economic benefits, Saraswathi takes pride in knowing that her methods are good for the environment. Her story is a testament to how agroecology empowers individuals to nourish both people and the planet.

Visual: Photos of Smt. Saraswathi in her garden, showcasing her vibrant crops.


The soil is healthier, my crops are stronger, and I feel proud to share this with my neighbors.

Featured Farmer: Sri C Yohanandiswara Reddy
Location: Bhumayagari Palli Village, Andhra Pradesh

In Bhumayagari Palli, Sri C Yohanandiswara Reddy has been transforming his six-acre farm into a beacon of organic farming since 2018. His dedication to natural inputs—like Jeevamrit, neem oil, and vermicompost—has not only enhanced his crops but also inspired an entire community to rethink how they farm.

"Farming doesn’t have to be harmful to the land," Yohanandiswara explains. His methods have cut costs and improved yields, allowing him to produce healthier bananas, groundnuts, and a range of vegetables. His approach has resonated with local farmers, who have begun adopting similar techniques, reducing their dependency on chemical fertilizers.

But it’s not just the crops that have flourished. Yohanandiswara's leadership in the Vemula Farmers Producers Company has expanded the reach of agroecology, empowering more farmers to embrace sustainable practices. The membership of the FPO has grown from 200 to 500, demonstrating the power of collective action in scaling agroecological methods.

Visual: Photos of Yohanandiswara’s farm, particularly his diverse five-layer crop system, and interactions with fellow farmers.


By working with nature instead of against it, we not only grow more but grow better.

Featured Farmer: Smt. C Saraswathi
Location: S V Puram Village, Andhra Pradesh

Smt. C Saraswathi’s journey with agroecology started small—with just a few rows of vegetables outside her home. Today, her kitchen nutrition garden feeds her family, inspires her village, and has turned her into a local leader in sustainable farming.

“For women like me, the garden is more than just food. It’s about taking care of our families, our community, and the land,” Saraswathi says, her hands gently touching a row of ripened tomatoes. Her organic practices have significantly increased her yields while reducing her environmental impact. Using cow dung and bio-fertilizers, Saraswathi has improved the fertility of her soil, growing healthier crops without chemicals.

Her story highlights how agroecology is not just a farming technique but a means of empowerment, particularly for women. Saraswathi has shared her knowledge with other women in her village, showing them that even with limited land, they too can make a difference.

Visual: Photos of Saraswathi tending to her crops, interacting with other women in the village.


Growing food is about more than survival. It’s about nurturing the future.

Featured Farmer: Sri C Yohanandiswara Reddy
Location: Bhumayagari Palli Village, Andhra Pradesh

For Sri C Yohanandiswara Reddy, farming is both an ancient practice and a modern solution. Combining traditional methods of composting with innovations in organic inputs like vermicompost and companion planting, Yohanandiswara has revitalized his soil and increased his crop yields by up to 50%.

“Everything I need for my farm is already here in the land. It’s just about using it wisely,” Yohanandiswara reflects, pointing to his banana grove, where tall trees sway in the breeze. He has become a model for other farmers in the region, demonstrating that natural farming methods can both protect the environment and increase profits. His success story is spreading, and more farmers are now turning away from chemical inputs, thanks to his guidance.

Visual: Photos of his banana crops, vermicompost pit, and the community of farmers learning from him.


By using what the land gives us, we’ve built something that will last.


Abraham Borda Albornoz

Abraham Borda Albornoz, Asociación para el Desarrollo Estratégico del Medio Ambiente, La Paz

Franz Miralles

Franz Miralles, Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation, La Paz

Kim Schneider

Kim Schneider, Fondation Antenna, Switzerland

Javier Aguilera

Javier Aguilera, Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation, La Paz

Javier Aguilera

Eveline Marie Fulbert Windinmi Compaore, Institut de l’Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA), Ouagadougou

Javier Aguilera

María Tania Ricaldi Arévalo, Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Cochabamba


Amira Elvia Apaza Quevedo

Amira Elvia Apaza Quevedo, Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campo (CIPCA), La Paz

Kalifa - Kalifa Wend-Doléa ZIDA.jpeg

Kalifa Wend-Dolea Zida, Komsaya Association, Ouagadougou

Christophe Gironde

Christophe Gironde, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

Ramanjaneyulu Venkata Gangula

Ramanjaneyulu Venkata Gangula, Center for Sustainable Agriculture (CSA), Hyderabad

Ramanjaneyulu Venkata Gangula

Delwendé Innocent Kiba, Institut de l’Environnement et de Recherche Agricole (INERA), Ouagadougou

Funding Organisation: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
Timeline: 2024 - 2027
Budget: 873,773 CHF


  • Responsible Investigator: Christophe Gironde, IHEID
  • Amira Elvia Apaza Quevedo, Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campo, Bolivia
  • Ramanjaneyulu Venkata Gangula, Centre for Sustainable Agriculture, India
  • Delwendé Innocent Kiba, Institut de l’Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA), Burkina Faso
  • Kalifa Wend-Dolea Zida , Komsaya Association C/O Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Ressources, Animales et Halieutiques, Burkina Faso

Project Partners:

  • Javier Aguilera , Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation Bolivia, Bolivia
  • Abraham Borda Albornoz , Asociación para el Desarrollo Estratégico de, Bolivia
  • Eveline Marie Fulbert Windinmi Compaore , Institut de l’Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA), Burkina Faso
  • Franz Miralles , Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation Bolivia, Bolivia
  • María Tania Ricaldi Arévalo , Centro de Estudios Superiores Universitarios Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Bolivia
  • Kim Schneider, Fondation Antenna, Switzerland