Research page

Timeline: 01 September 2023- 31 August 2027 

Timeline: 2023-27

Funding organisation: Swiss National Science Foundation, Division of Social Sciences and Humanities

Keywords: Labor Politics, Political Economy, Gender Politics, Polarization, Automation


This project investigates social and political consequences of structural labor market changes in Korea and China and ways to promote social cohesion. There are growing conversations about the role of social and cultural factors in making sense of the political consequences of trade and automation in advanced industrial countries. Both Korea and China are undergoing rapid structural labor market changes due to automation, deindustrialization, and economic slowdown, but our understanding of their social and political implications is still limited. Instead of looking at the relationship from a material perspective, this project engages with the influence of social and cultural norms and their interplay with emotional mechanisms. It uses gendered social conflicts as a case to examine the broader question, and aims to extend the implications to other areas of social conflict. The project is interdisciplinary and draws from political science, sociology, psychology, and management/organizational studies. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses will be conducted.


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Poster of the project

Poster of the project