Anthropology and Sociology

Social Sciences for a changing world.

Anthropology and Sociology at the Geneva Graduate Institute

The Department of Anthropology and Sociology (ANSO) approaches the study of international affairs and development by inquiring into how social and cultural life, as well as political and economic practices, are shaped across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Our master's and PhD degree programmes foster the study of contemporary issues in global and transnational terms.

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Our faculty ground their research and teaching in a commitment to theoretical innovation, robust empirical research and fine-grained ethnographic fieldwork. From this, we develop critical perspectives on how global problems are experienced differently around the world. Among the few bi-disciplinary departments of anthropology and sociology in Europe, our work bridges conventional North-South divides, theory and practice, and the worlds of academia and policy.

Be it in Africa, the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia, or in Europe, North and South America, our research is primarily geared towards the analysis of social, political, economic, legal and cultural phenomena across the following domains:

  • Governance, the state, international organisations, law and policy
  • Global security and everyday insecurity, violence and conflict
  • Markets, land, labour and corporations
  • Migration, forced displacement, borders and minorities
  • Poverty, inequality and social movements
  • Race, ethnicity and gender relations
  • Environment, rural development, agriculture and food security
  • Cities and urban issues
  • Bio-medicine and bio-technologies
  • Visual and material culture
  • Gender, sexuality and queer theory


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Ethnographic Fieldwork seminar

On 27 February 2025, our MA cohort of budding anthropologists and sociologists conducted observations at Gare Cornavin as a part of the Ethnographic Fieldwork seminar. 
The exercise sharpened their ethnographic sensibilities by encouraging them to use their five senses and pay attention to latent small facts that might be overlooked in more routine navigation through this familiar space.



Max Hirsh and Till Mostowlansky
"Infrastructure and the Remaking of Asia" (U Hawaii Press, 2022)

Listen to the Podcast

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GRAND ENTRETIEN: Elections, What For? 
With Martin Chungong, Secretary General of the IPU

Martin Chungong, Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, answers questions from Grégoire Mallard, Director of Research at the Geneva Graduate Institute, for the webzine Global Challenges No. 16 (November 2024), entitled Elections, What For?


the Best 2023 MA Thesis Award

Interview with Krithi Ramaswamy

Ethnogaphic field work

Ethnographic Fieldwork SEMINAR

ANSO students on the field: 1st year ANSO students practicing observation methods in Cornavin Station.

Seven podcasts by students on human rights and humanitarianism

More information


An Anthropologists eye for the visual

Patricia Spyer

La Chaire Yves Oltramare

La direction scientifique des Entretiens de la chaire Yves Oltramare et leur réalisation sont assurées par Thomas Gmür, Nina Khamsy et Sophie Schrago, en partenariat avec le professeur Jean-François Bayart, titulaire de la chaire Yves Oltramare.



La Chaire Yves Oltramare

La chaire Yves Oltramare Religion et politique dans le monde contemporain a pour mission d'apporter une contribution scientifique majeure à l'analyse de l'impact des rapports entre religion et politique sur l'évolution des sociétés et du système international.

Research projects

Contact us

Aditya Bharadwaj

Prof. Aditya Bharadwaj | Head of the Department
Office: P1-507
Office hours: by appointment only

The Head of the Department sets the strategic direction of the curricula and is responsible for coordinating the overall academic content.

Evelyne Bryden

Evelyne Bryden | Department Manager
Phone: +41 (0)22 908 58 76

The Departmental Manager supports the efforts of the Head of Department in the successful coordination of the department.

Mailing Address

Anthropology and Sociology
Maison de la paix
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A
Case Postale 1672
CH-1211 Genève 1



The Maison de la paix is located at Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A, on the corner of Avenue de France. You may take tram 15 until the Maison de la paix stop or Collège Sismondi stop.