The Geneva Challenge 2020

2020 Advancing Development Goals International Contest for students

Virtual Award Ceremony of the Geneva Challenge 2020

The 2020 edition asked graduate students to address the complex issues arising from social inclusion. While significant advances have been made in reducing extreme poverty around the world, more efforts are needed to tackle social inclusiveness. Overall, social inclusion matters concern a multitude of groups and have a strategic impact on the social cohesion, human development, productivity, economic growth and long-run development of countries and regions around the world. Therefore, a call for innovative and cross-cutting proposals accounting for the context and the multitude of potential actors involved was critical. 

In 2020, 366 teams composed of 1,368 graduate students from 102 different nationalities registered to take part in the Geneva Challenge.  145 project entries were submitted by 558 students from teams hailing from all over the world. The Academic Steering Committee selected 16 semi-finalists teams.

Winners of the 2020 Geneva Challenge


First prize


Team from North America and Oceania

Project Gem: A Teletherapy Platform To Connect Elderly With Family Caregivers

One of the most profound challenges that people face in old age is social isolation. Nearly half of elderly currently live alone or with just a spouse, and elderly who live alone are at increased risk for a number of serious behavioural and health problems including cognitive decline, depressive symptoms, reduced physical activity, and increased chronic disease morbidity. To connect isolated elderly to the families who care for them, Project Gem enables family caregivers to provide companionship for their elderly through reminiscence-based teletherapy.


Project Gem

Team from North America and Oceania


William Ge is currently studying medicine in the Health Sciences & Technology Program of Harvard Medical School and MIT. He completed his dual Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Biophysics/Biochemistry at Yale University, and works in a computational cancer research group in Boston. He spent his early childhood in Hubei, China with his grandparents, who are his lifelong role models and inspire his work on Gem.

Second Prize ex aequo


Team from Europe

GerBound- A Platform Solution To Address Social Inequality In Mongolia

Climate change and economic pressures are impeding many Mongolians from sustaining their fragile nomadic way of life. In recent years, increasing inequalities have become strikingly apparent, with thousands of nomadic families forced to give up their traditional lifestyle and thus moving from the countryside into shantytowns outside of Ulaanbaatar (“Ger districts”), struggling to integrate into a modern urban society. GerBound addresses these gaps in the innovation ecosystem by connecting local changemakers with the Mongolian diaspora. GerBound provides the diaspora with a transparent channel to support the country in a more coordinated way. Mongolians living abroad can thereby decide what local projects they want to support financially or with their respective expertise.


Project GerBound

Team from Europe


Zelmeg Otgontogoo is a MSc International Business student at the Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden. Born and raised in Germany, with his parents originally coming from Mongolia, he is passionate about contributing towards solving the challenges faced by the people living in Mongolia. Before the start of his Master’s, Zelmeg studied abroad in the US and Finland and worked in the field of consulting in Germany and Hong Kong.

Second Prize ex aequo


Team from Asia

SAMHIT- Strengthening Aid For Maternal Health In Tribal Women

In 2017, twelve percent of the global maternal deaths occurred in India and a large proportion of it includes tribal women. In spite of various government programs and policies for maternal and childcare, the tribal women in interior localities of the country remain excluded from the mainstream society. Their maternal needs remain unidentified and thus unaddressed. SAMHIT’s main objective is to collect quality data through blockchain-enabled application and analyzed using Predictive Analytics, identify high-risk pregnancy cases and to provide an aid for the prompt management of emergency specialty care. The application captures social factors along with clinical parameters to predict complications. This enables the frontline health workers to deliver proactive healthcare services with a timely referral for an uneventful situation. Thus, the project aims to provide a contextualized solution to cater to the indigenous tribal women in different geographies.


Project SAMHIT

Team from Asia


Minal Madankar is a Master’s student in Social Epidemiology at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. Her research and Public health interest revolves around maternal and child health in tribal communities. She has interned with Integrated disease surveillance program (IDSP), Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India. Where she studied various Social determinants of health in children affected by Acute Encephalitis syndrome for the year 2019. She has also interned with Child in Need Institute Kolkata and did exploratory research on complementary feeding practices among the urban slum dwelling mother. She has completed her Masters in Pharmacy and worked as a research associate in a Pharmaceutical formulation and development lab where she mostly focused on formulation of solid orals.

Third Prize ex aequo


Team from South America

Yacha: A Multiplatform Solution To Bolivian Youth's Education And Labor Inclusion

Bolivia has consistently struggled to include marginalized communities into policy and decision-making processes that have the potential to challenge the social status-quo and break the poverty cycle. This has been particularly noticeable among Bolivian youth who, despite constituting a growing portion of the population, have remained on the sidelines of development programs. Facilitating vocational and professional connections, YACHA fosters youth inclusion by simultaneously bridging inter- and intra-generational gaps and engaging young Bolivian leaders, especially minorities and disadvantaged youth. YACHA sheds light on the issue of education and employment in Bolivia, grounding our proposal on data-driven research that cuts across the fields of economics, sociology, development studies, and politics, among others.


Project YACHA

Team from South America


Alejandra Goytia is currently completing her Master’s degree in Economics at the  “Universidad de Chile”. She holds a BA in Economics from “Universidad Católica Boliviana”. Her research and interest revolve around Economic Development and applied microeconometrics. She is now working at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

Third Prize ex aequo


Team from Africa

Vertical Farming In Refugees Setting (VEFIRS) - A Tool For Fostering Intergroup Relations And Social Integration

In the last decade, Uganda in East Africa has witnessed an influx of refugees from South Sudan, Burundi, and Democratic Republic of Congo. The demand for land continues to grow at a fast pace especially in Bidibidi, the largest refugee settlement in East Africa. This continues to provoke tensions among refugees and host communities. As a result, refugees remain susceptible to exclusion from social, economic and political affairs in the country. The VEFIRS project aims to build the adaptive capacity of refugees and the host community of Bidibidi settlement to land scarcity and rocky soil through the multi-storey vertical farming approach. The goal of this initiative is to help them become self-reliant in overcoming food shortage and poverty, which are drivers of unethical behaviours.

Team from Africa


Nelson Papi Kolliesuah is a Liberian, and a final year MasterCard Foundation supported student through the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM). Nelson holds a Bachelor’s degree in Plant and Soil Science from Cuttington University, Liberia. He is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Food Security and Community Nutrition at Gulu University, Uganda.  Nelson has three years of professional academic and organizational research experience in planning, execution, monitoring, and evaluation of rural development interventions.


This special prize is awarded in partnership with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network – Youth

RuRelief. Multifunctional System for Refugee Support in Russia

RuRelief is an innovative system of information and service support that solves complex problems of asylum seekers in Russia and provides them with a comprehensive advice on a broad variety of questions. The project is based on the studies of shortcomings of the existing practice of granting asylum and numerous violations of refugee rights in Russia. Their solution circumvents slow and ponderous bureaucratic machine unable to integrate refugees into the society, by adapting to the governmental structures and filling the gaps in refugee protection.


Project RuRelief

Team from SDSN Youth Special Award


Alexandra Kramskaya is currently obtaining her Master in Development studies at the Graduate Institute in Geneva. As she is inspired by humanitarian work, her academic interest lays in the fields of migration and refugees, humanitarian assistance and sustainable development. Her current research focuses on climate change driven migration and the gap between perceptions of national elites and the reality of crises on the ground. In 2020, Alexandra has conducted a research on the state of the art of risk assessment in humanitarian field together with ACAPS (Swiss NGO). At the moment she is interning with UN OCHA. Alexandra is Russian.

The Award Ceremony

The Award Ceremony 2020

Semi-Finalist Teams 2020


Project Brick Making for Better Housing - Africa

Inclusion for Healthcaree

Project Inclusion for Healthcare access for older persons in Northern Uganda - Africa


Project Beastie: Reimagining The Emotional World - North America


Project GAIN: Greenhouse Advancement in Nunavut - North America


Project Novus Via - South America


Project BISCO - Business Incubator for Social Cohesion


Project Energy and Sanitation Solution for Social Inclusion