Since the adoption of the international drug control framework sixty years ago, drug production, demand and use have increased, reaching record highs every year since 2015 despite fierce repression. In the last 10 years, more and more countries started reviewing their approach to drugs while the international multilateral system has recognised the need to integrate drug policy within sustainable development objectives. Throughout this three-day immersive course, you will examine how drug control policies impact sustainable development and how it closely relates with public health and human rights.

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  • Strengthen stakeholders mapping skills for better analysis of the different roles of Geneva and Vienna-based agencies in international processes

  • Negotiate and influence the design and the implementation of drug policies nationally and internationally

  • Gain insight into the key concepts and current issues related to the international drug control regime and its intersection with public health and human rights

  • Identify the stakeholders of the current drug policy debate and international processes

  • Prioritise public health based approaches to drug policy at national level


Who should apply?

Professionals who work in the area of policy making, public health, and human rights including:

  • Parliamentarians

  • Government representatives from ministries of health, foreign affairs, justice, interior and drug control agencies

  • Representatives from international and regional institutions

  • Representatives from non-governmental organisations

  • Health attachés and diplomats with a portfolio linked to health, drug policy or human rights

  • Professionals in academia



Upon full completion of the course, you will receive a Graduate Institute Executive Education Certificate of Attendance for the Current Perspectives on Drug Policy programme.

Terms and conditions


Related sdgs

12 3SDG 4SDG 5 - Gender Equality   89  101112  1617

This course will address the following topics:

  • The international Drug Control Regime

  • Drug policy, public health, harm reduction, human rights and COVID-19

  • Current issues surrounding cannabis, the opioid epidemics and challenges in access to controlled essential medicines

  • Perspectives for drug policy reform and the current global diplomatic context

The course is highly participatory, drawing on the national and international experiences of participants through a multi-disciplinary learning process. It includes lectures by internationally-renowned experts and negotiators, case studies, and working groups. A negotiation simulation exercise will complement the learning experience.

As an Advocacy Officer, I found this course to be tremendously insightful. Not only did it illuminate some important interconnected concepts, but it also provided very practical tools and current updates about the latest trends. The program introduced a rotation of global health renowned speakers and practitioners. We also benefitted from interaction between participants who each brought unique perspectives.

Ramon Sales Moura
Participant in the 2021 course

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01 Jul - 07 Jul

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2-4 May 2023


CHF 1'500




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1202 Geneva



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