Zahira Araguete-Toribio

Zahira Araguete-Toribio

Visiting Lecturer, Anthropology and Sociology
Spoken languages
Spanish, English, French
Areas of expertise
  • Human remains and mass violence
  • Memory and memorialization processes
  • Post-violence archival politics
  • Historiographies of war and conflict
  • Mass crimes investigations
  • Human rights and transitional justice
  • Death, loss, and mourning


Zahira Aragüete-Toribio is a social anthropologist with an interest in mass crimes investigations, memory practices and historical production in conflict-affected societies. From 2016 to 2022, she was a postdoctoral and senior researcher in the SNSF funded project “Right to Truth, Truth(s) through Rights. Mass Crimes Impunity and Transitional Justice” at the Law Faculty of the University of Geneva. Previously, she was a PhD candidate in the ERC project “Bosnian Bones, Spanish Ghosts. Transitional Justice and the Legal Shaping of Memory after Two Modern Conflicts” at the Anthropology Department of Goldsmiths, University of London.

Her work has explored scientific, historical, and social endeavours in connection to the exhumation of human remains from the Spanish Civil War and the postwar period in the southwestern region of Extremadura (Spain). As part of her research, she has studied the legal, political, and scientific treatment of human remains in the production of truth, evidence and knowledge after conflict and the sociocultural legacies of mass crimes in contexts of impunity. She is currently developing new work on the production, use and circulation of archival materials connected to the investigation of mass atrocities in European contexts. She has published her work in different scholarly venues since 2013, and her book Producing History in Spanish Civil War Exhumations was published by Palgrave in 2017.

Zahira Araguete-Toribio