
Gilmer Cook-Hoet

Visiting Professor


Gilmer Cook-Hoet, PhD is currently serving as remote Adjunct Faculty at Dominican University  (DU) in the western suburbs of Chicago. Prior to relocating to Geneva Gil was a tenured As sociate Professor of English at DU, specializing in Modern / Contemporary Literature of the  African Diaspora. Gil’s research focuses on creating educational travel programs that utilize  Critical Global Citizenship Education frameworks to build community-based programs in  collaboration with local partners across the globe. The programs Gil designs apply critically con scious / transnational / postcolonial practices to fostering longstanding relationships of  solidarity with scholars, activists, politicians, and community organizations whose work fights  to reshape social institutions that perpetuate legacies of colonialism, slavery, and imperialism  in their nations. Over his 19-year career, Gil has assisted in and/or directed the development of  educational travel programs in Cuba, Haiti, Ghana, Costa Rica, and Andalucía, Spain / Morocco. 


Gilmer Cook-Hoet