08 December 2016

Student venture: Afrique Student Association

Afrique Student Association (ASA) is the association for students interested in African issues at the Graduate Institute. It is open to all students, irrespective of nationality, with a passion for the African continent.

ASA2-129.jpgASA seeks to promote awareness of, and dialogue about, African issues, to represent the diversity of African peoples and cultures on campus and to promote interaction and intellectual dialogue between African students, the Graduate Institute and various African initiatives across Switzerland.

The association also serves as an advocate for better representation of African students in the Graduate Institute student body by, among other means, lobbying for more scholarships reserved for African students and promoting the Graduate Institute towards prospective students in Africa.

ASA3-129.jpgOur events include the popular Afrique jam series, literature nights, movie screenings and panel discussions. ASA is backed by an active alumni network which meets virtually and provides support and advice to students. A pilot mentorship program will be launched soon between alumni and recent graduates.

Follow us on FB: IHEID Afrique to stay up to date on our exciting plans for the school year!