Students & Campus
31 May 2022

Rare Voices in Economics

The Rare Voices in Economics Initiative is a joint initiative from the Geneva Graduate Institute, the University of Geneva, the University of Lausanne and the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) to create a network of PhD students, postdocs, professors and other researchers.

The main goal is to kick-off a broad conversation about how systemic biases (based on gender, ethnicity, seniority, etc.) affect us as a community of economic researchers and professionals. Creating a safe space for diverse voices to express themselves can benefit everybody. Our mission is to keep this discussion open and advocate for change at the institutional level.

In an interview, Laura Nowzohour (PhD candidate in International Economics at the Graduate Institute), Paula Gonzalez and Carlotta Nani (PhD candidates in Development Economics at the Graduate Institute), discuss the important role of their initiative.

Learn more about Rare Voices in Economics

Read the guidelines for an Guidelines for an inclusive Economics Department