05 March 2024

Global Migration Award

Carolina Futuro wins the Global Migration Center's Global Migration Award for her master dissertation entitled: “Solidarity movements: An ethnography of anti-deportation struggles in Switzerland”.

Carolina Futuro

Carolina Futuro (Master Of International Relations & Political Science) wins the Global Migration Award for her master dissertation entitled: “Solidarity movements: An ethnography of anti-deportation struggles in Switzerland” Congratulations!



Carolina Miranda Futuro is a Brazilian national, who has a master’s degree in international relations and political science from the Geneva Graduate Institute, obtained following the completion of her bachelor studies in international relations at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. She has been continuously dedicated to studying migration and has researched its diverse implications since the beginning of her studies. Her previous work has revolved around refugee local integration, human trafficking, and the phenomenon of deportation. With complementary professional experience in international humanitarian organizations, she will now research how humanitarian actors address internally displaced populations in her doctoral studies. 



Observing how deportation in contemporary times only seems to rise and focusing on Switzerland because of the high occurrence of such movements in the country, and its configuration as a direct democracy, Carolina Futuro’s studies aim to answer the following question: In what ways can the ethnographic study of Swiss solidarity movements against the detention and expulsion of foreigners disrupt the political practice of deportation?. Employing participant observation of anti-deportation protests, material analysis, and interviews, this thesis investigates empirical examples of two Swiss solidarity movements that, contrary to usual conclusions, have a radical scope that aims to reform the deportation system and count upon active deportee participation, who demonstrate a political and resistant subjectivity.

You can access the publication here.

The Global Migration Award has been created by the Global Migration Center to promote innovative and high quality research on global migration. The prize rewards a Master student of the Graduate Institute for her/his outstanding thesis in the field of global migration (including mobility, forced or voluntary migration, transnational or internal displacement, citizenship, diaspora and the many other issues linked to the movement of persons). It is delivered each year on a competitive basis following a peer review process, and is open to any Master students of the Graduate Institute regardless of their specialization.

The next call for applicants is Autumn 2024.