Press Release
01 July 2024

The Geneva Graduate Institute and André Hoffmann sign an agreement to establish the Hoffmann Centre for Global Sustainability

The Geneva Graduate Institute is delighted to announce the forthcoming launch of the Hoffmann Centre for Global Sustainability in September 2024. With the generous support of André Hoffmann, the Hoffmann Centre for Global Sustainability will position itself as one of the leading research and policy hubs in Europe dedicated to integrated (nature positive and socially equitable) sustainability.

Building on the rich legacy of the Geneva Graduate Institute Centre for International Environmental Studies (CIES), the new Centre will conduct cutting-edge academic research on the complex interactions between natural, economic, social, legal and political systems and inform, through research, expertise and outreach, decision-making and action on global sustainability for a peaceful and equitable world for current and future living communities.

The Hoffmann Centre for Global Sustainability will develop and integrate several research programmes. It will keep working on what were key lines of research for CIES (Environmental Governance, Climate Energy and Technology, Resources and Development and Food and Agrarian Studies). It will also launch three new complementary research platforms:

  1. Political Economics of Sustainable Governance
  2. Sustainable Global Trade and Development
  3. Finance for Climate and Nature

A cross-cutting Data Lab for Climate and Nature will be launched in parallel. This integrated structure will allow the Centre to explore all dimensions of sustainability in a systemic way and to focus on the interplay between nature, the economy, society and (geo)politics.

The Centre will name five Hoffmann Chairs and will coordinate the work of a broad community of professors and researchers who currently have related streams of work at the Geneva Graduate Institute. The Centre will also foster synergies with other research Centres of the Institute (in particular the Centre for Finance and Development Development – CFD and the Centre for Trade and Economic Integration - CTEI) and beyond (the Hoffmann Global Institute for Business and Society at INSEAD and the Centre for Economic Policy Research - CEPR in particular). The Hoffmann Centre will be able to build on the long-standing, deep connections of the Geneva Graduate Institute with multilateral organisations, whether in Geneva or other parts of the world.

The Geneva Graduate Institute expresses its sincerest thanks to the Hoffmann family for this important and generous support. The five named Chairs will be held by Béatrice Weder di Mauro, Dominic Rohner, Imelda, Tim Swanson and Julia Cajal Grossi.

The Hoffmann Centre for Global Sustainability is well-equipped to become a leading European and worldwide hub for research, policy and outreach on the multi-dimensional and integrated challenges of global sustainability. A formal event celebrating the launch will take place in the early autumn of 2024.

“Paving the way to a brighter and more sustainable future means bridging the gap between awareness and action. Research and education are essential for achieving sustainable and inclusive prosperity. This is why I have been supporting the Graduate Institute for many years, and I’m convinced that this new institution will accelerate our efforts.” 
André Hoffmann, Vice-chairman of Roche

“Global sustainability is at the heart of the future of our planet and thus humanity. We have high hopes for the output and impact of the Hoffmann Centre for Global Sustainability and are very thankful to André Hoffmann for his generous support.” 
Beth Krasna, President of the Geneva Graduate Institute Foundation Board

“Humanity cannot project an agenda for peace without seriously addressing the question of sustainability in an integrated manner – recognising the tight interconnection between environmental, social and (geo)political challenges. This conviction has been at the heart of our strategic orientation at the Geneva Graduate Institute and the Hoffmann Centre for Global Sustainability will be an important platform to materialise the unique voice and contribution of our interdisciplinary research and expertise. We are deeply grateful to André Hoffmann for his generous support.” 
Marie-Laure Salles, Director of the Geneva Graduate Institute