This page provides resources on gender analyses of the COVID-19 pandemic and crisis. It will be regularly updated.
- Coronavirus lockdowns could lead to 7 million unintended pregnancies, says UN report. Satviki Sanjay. Vice.
- “Covid-19 and reproduction” Digest. Christina Weis. Centre for Reproduction Research Blog.
- Abortion in the context of COVID-19: a human rights imperative. Jaime Todd-Gher and Payal K Shah. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters.
- Self-managed abortion and the law: Toward a person-centered human rights approach. Webinar.
- Hungarian government aims to ban gender recognition for trans and intersex people under new Covid-19 crisis powers. Oisin Kenny. GCN (Gay Community News).
- COVID-19: “Waging War” against a virus is NOT what we need to be doing. Cynthia Enloe. WILPF (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom).
- COVID-19: Militarise or organise? Ray Acheson. WILPF (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom).
- Pride: why the UK spent billions on nuclear bombs but ignored pandemic threat. Richard Norton-Taylor. Open Democracy.
- Le «coup du virus» et le coup d’état militaro-industriel global. Jules Falquet. Mediapart.
- The pandemic and the female academic, Alessandra Minello. Nature.
- Women academics seem to be submitting fewer papers during coronavirus. ‘Never seen anything like it,’ says one editor. Caroline Kitchener. The Lily.
- ‘I feel like a 1950s housewife’: how lockdown has exposed the gender divide. Donna Ferguson. The Guardian.
- As the virus unleashes violence, women in war-torn countries organize. Lisa Davis and Yifat Susskind. Intlawgrrls.
- Gender and COVID-19. Public group.
- Does Covid-19 hit women and men differently? U.S. isn’t keeping track. Alisha Haridasani Gupta. The New York Times.
- COVID-19: What has COVID-19 taught us about neoliberalism? Nela Porobić Isaković. WILPF (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom).
- Why gender matters in the impact and recovery from COVID-19. Sara E. Davies, Sophie Harman, Jacqui True and Clare Wenha. The Interpreter.
- This state says it has a ‘feminist economic recovery plan.’ Here’s what that looks like. Frences Nguyen. The Lily.
- Who cares for the future: finance genre responsive public services! ActionAid
- Les stratégies de réponse au COVID-19 doivent tenir compte de l’interaction entre le genre et la pandémie. An interview of Moetsi Duchatellier from UNHCRH.
- Gender dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Carmen de Paz, Miriam Muller, Ana Maria Munoz Boudet and Isis Gaddis. The World Bank.
- COVID-19 et genre (plus spécifiquement en Afrique). Genre en Action.
- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation's shareweb on COVID-19 and gender
Finding meaning and organising
- Finding meaning in the worst of times. Donna Thomson and Zachary White. Open Democracy.
- Mourning is a political act amid the pandemic and its disparities. Judith Butler. Truthout.
- Lessons from African feminists mobilizing against COVID-19. Meredith Forsyth. State of the Planet.
- The pandemic is a portal. Arundhati Roy. Financial Times.