Global Health Centre
Ekaterina Cleary

Webinar: Public funding of drug development

Ekaterina Cleary
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Dr. Ekaterina Cleary will present a study examining the contributions of the US National Institutes of Health.

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The process to develop new medicines can be long, costly and complex, and involve many different actors from the private, public and non-profit sectors. While the role of the private sector is widely-recognized, there has generally been less data and understanding of the role of public and non-profit actors. A number of recent studies have documented the contributions of public actors across all phases of the drug research and development process.
Lead author Dr. Ekaterina Cleary will present a recently-published study  examining US National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding associated with 210 new molecular entities (NMEs) approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from 2010–2016. The study found that NIH funding contributed to both basic and applied research associated with every one of these medicines. Dr. Cleary will explain the methodology her team used to find and analyze the relevant data, including the NIH RePORTER tool. The conclusion suggests that the NIH contribution to drug development is greater than previously appreciated.

Dr. Ekaterina Cleary is Lead Data Analyst and Adjunct Professor at the Center for Integration of Science and Industry, Bentley University.


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