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Science Diplomacy Week

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In the face of rapid technological innovation, the case for science diplomacy is more compelling than ever. New scientific discoveries will transform societies in many uncharted ways including major opportunities and steep risks. From its impact on human health, to the way economies and societies function, and how states and non-state actors fight wars, scientific breakthroughs will shape the way the world works. 

Initiated by the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA), the Science Diplomacy Week provides an opportunity to foster constructive international partnerships with those who work off science diplomacy in government, international organizations, academia and business. It will nurture a new generation of leaders in the combined uses of science and diplomacy and build bridges between science and social science. 

The Geneva Graduate Institute, an institution of research and higher education dedicated to the study of world affairs, is uniquely positioned to co-facilitate the Science Diplomacy Week Open Forum with GESDA. With over 20 sessions from 20 Swiss and global institutions, the Open Forum is a showcase that provides an entry point into the rapidly evolving practice and research of science diplomacy in Geneva, Switzerland and the world. It also provides a platform for exchange with experts, young professionals and students in Geneva interested in the interface between science and diplomacy.