Centre for International Environmental Studies

Leveraging the Power-Wielder: De Jure Accountability of International Organizations

Simon Montfort, Research Assistant, CIES
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P1-847, Maison de la paix, Geneva

The CIES Lunch Seminar Series is a series of interdisciplinary research seminars on environmental, natural resources and development issues

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To whom, through what mechanisms and for what are IOs accountable? Seeking for a substantial contribution to IR theory, the SNF project “Accountability of International Organisations” by Prof. Dr. Andonova stipulates, for the first time, that decentralised institutional structures enlarge accountability forums. Based on a comparative framework, legal instruments indeed reveal that organisations with decentralised structures are accountable to a greater variety of actors, however not necessarily through a higher number of mechanisms. These results advance the debate on accountability of IOs which has thus far generated conceptual insight and established mechanisms, however, with insufficient emphasis on the relevance of organisational structure for accountability.

To participate, please register by 24 February (noon) so we can organise lunch accordingly at: cies@graduateinstitute.ch

As we have limited spot, it is first come first serve.