 Palais des Nations

Emerging Challenges for Global Citizens: A brief discussion of selective topics DAY 1

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Registration Day 1

Wed 16

14:15   Introduction and welcome on behalf of the Institute Marie-Laure Salles, Director of the Graduate Institute

Former Dean of the School of Management and Innovation at Sciences Po Paris and Professor at the Sciences Po Centre of Organisational Sociology, Dr Marie-Laure Salles is the Director of the Graduate Institute since September 2020. She was previously Professor at ESSEC Business School and Director of the Centre of Research on Capitalism, Globalisation and Governance. Marie-Laure Salles’s research work focuses on the contemporary transformations of capitalism; the international dissemination of ideas and practices; the spreading of globalisation, and the dynamics of regulation and governance in a globalised world; and the social responsibility of companies and their political role in this context. Marie-Laure holds a PhD from Harvard University and is Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Stockholm.

Welcome on behalf of the alumni Natalie Africa, President, Graduate Institute Alumni Association (AAID)

Natalie Africa serves as Senior Advisor/Chief of Staff to the Director, Africa at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, covering a wide span of management and programmatic responsibilities. Her professional experience encompasses diverse sectors including health, access to finance, MSME development and gender.  Natalie previously served as Senior Director for Global Health and Private Sector Engagement at the United Nations Foundation. Her career experience includes working for UNDP and the International Finance Corporation,in addition to senior roles in the private sector and working as a diplomat in the South African government. Natalie holds an MA in International Relations from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.

14:30    Panel I: International Macroeconomics and Finance

              Mapping the Recovery from the 2020 Pandemic Shock:
             Prospects for Escaping the Global Liquidity Trap.

The 2020 pandemic proved to be a seismic demand-supply shock to the global economy, which led to an impressive, massive and speedy fiscal and monetary response within about an eight-week span. This response was then reinforced with the rapid roll out of highly effective, recovery-enabling vaccinations. In looking at four economies that account for the largest GDP share, the panel will analyze the path of recovery of output and income in 2021.

Brian Bethune (United States, China)

Professor of Practice at Boston College and Adjunct Professor at Tufts University, where he teaches macroeconomics, finance and econometrics, Brian Bethune resides in Boston and Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Prior to his current positions, Brian was a professional economist in heavy industry, commercial banking and consulting. He is a member of the Harvard Group of Industrial Economists. A recipient of several Wall Street Journal Dow Jones Marketwatch awards, Brian graduated from McMaster University with an MA in Economics. He earned his PhD from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. He was a Fletcher MacJannet Fellow and holds a Six Sigma Green Belt certification.

Stefan Gerlach (Euro zone, Switzerland)

Stefan Gerlach is Chief Economist at EFG Bank in Zurich and served as Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland from 2011-2015. Since earning a doctorate in Geneva in 1983, his career has bridged academia and central banking. He has been Professor of Economics at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, an External Member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of Mauritius, and Chief Economist at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Before joining BIS as a staff economist in 1992, he was an academic in the US.

Faculty Moderator – Cedric Tille

Cedric Tille
Institute faculty member since 2007, Professor of International Economics, Head of the Bilateral Assistance and Capacity Building for Central Banks (BCC) Programme and Faculty Associate at the Centre for Finance and Development, Cédric Tille previously worked as an economist at the International Research Function of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He has been a member of the Bank Council of the Swiss National Bank since 2011. His research interests cover several dimensions of the international transmission of economic cycles and policies: financial globalisation and its impact on the international transmission of macroeconomic fluctuations, the international role of some currencies, the dynamics of balance of payments, and the value of international assets and liabilities. Cedric Tille holds a PhD from Princeton University.

15:15    General Discussion, Q&A session

15:30   Panel II: International Law

                            Two "Burning platform" issues in International Law

Bartram S. Brown     “Confronting the Potential Threats of New Nationalism”

Professor of Law at the Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology, Bartram S. Brown received his BA from Harvard, his JD from Columbia, and his PhD in International Law from the Graduate Institute. He served as a law clerk at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and participated in the 1998 Rome ICC Conference as a representative of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Professor Brown has also served on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International USA. He is currently a member of the American Law Institute and of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Charles H. Norchi     “Climate Change and the Law of the Sea”

Charles H. Norchi is the Benjamin Thompson Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Oceans and Coastal Law at the University of Maine School of Law. Former Fulbright Arctic Scholar in Iceland, he is a contributing editor to Global Geneva, Fellow of the Explorers Club and the World Academy of Arts and Sciences, and Co-president of the Arctic Futures Institute. After studying at Harvard and then at the Graduate Institute, he worked as a journalist in Afghanistan, subsequently completing his studies at Yale Law School (JSD) Professor Norchi is a dual national of Ireland and the United States.

Faculty Moderator – Andrea Bianchi

Director of Studies at the Graduate Institute, Andrea Bianchi has been a full Professor of International Law since 2002. Previously, he was full Professor at the Catholic University in Milan; Associate Professor at the University of Parma, and Professorial Lecturer at the Johns Hopkins SAIS Bologna Centre. His publications address topics that range from international legal theory and treaty interpretation, human rights and international humanitarian law, terrorism and counterterrorism, to the law of jurisdiction and jurisdictional immunities, state responsibility, non-state actors, and the law of treaties. Andrea Bianchi has been a Visiting Professor at King’s College London, the University of Vienna Faculty of Law, the Catholic University in Milan and the University of Paris 1 (La Sorbonne).

16:15    General Discussion, Q&A session

16:30   Adjournment



Geneva Alumni Symposium

Emerging Challenges for Global Citizens: A brief discussion of selective topics