What does it mean to act democratically in Europe today? Besides using the ballot box why are citizens taking to the streets to hold governments accountable? Is soft authoritarianism the new face of elected democracy? How can voice be mobilized and heard in this new political context? What forms can a deepening of the democratization of EU institutions take? Can the idea of civil society be transposed to societies outside Europe that have very different constellations of associational life?
Shalini Randeria (Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy, Graduate Institute, Geneva) will discuss the promise and limitations of democratic practices from below with Mary Kaldor (London School of Economics) and Niccolò Milanese (European Alternatives), who have contributed to an analysis of these issues as scholars as well as through their engagement as activists in various European social movements.
Mary Kaldor, Professor of Global Governance at the London School of Economics
Niccolò Milanese, Director of European Alternative
Shalini Randeria, Professor of Anthropology and Sociology and Director of the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy, Graduate Institute
This event is part of the programme of the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy during the Geneva Democracy Week