Academic Awards and Prizes

The Paul Guggenheim Prize in International Law


The Paul Guggenheim Foundation was created in 1981 to honour the memory of Professor Paul Guggenheim, an eminent scholar of international law and professor at the Graduate Institute. Every two years, the Paul Guggenheim Prize rewards a young specialist in the field of international law, author of a first monograph of outstanding quality on a subject of general interest and likely to make a real contribution to the study of international law.

The 2021 Paul Guggenheim Prize was attributed to:

Press releases:

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The 2023 Paul Guggenheim Prize has been awarded to Dr Ginevra LE MOLI, for her work “Human Dignity in International Law” (Cambridge University Press, May 2022)

The next Paul Guggenheim Prize will open for applications in May 2025. Details of application requirements and deadlines will be published in due course.

List of the laureates of the Prize since 1981

The Ladislas Mysyrowicz Prize


The  Ladislas Mysyrowicz Prize is awarded for an excellent master’s dissertation or PhD thesis devoted to the study of refugees.

  • Laureate: Giulia Raimondo, PhD in International Law
    Thesis: "At the Frontiers of International Responsibility: Frontex, the European Integrated Border Management and International Law"


The Pierre du Bois Prize


This annual prize, created by the Fondation Pierre du Bois pour l'histoire du temps présent, rewards a student who prepares the best PhD thesis in international history presented at the Institute.

  • Laureate: Amal Shahid, PhD in International History
    Thesis: "The Political Economy of Famine Relief: Labour, Colonialism, and Public Works in the North-Western Provinces of India, c. 1860-1920"



The Leonid Hurwicz Prize


This annual prize rewards a student who prepares the best PhD thesis in international or development economics. Leonid Hurwicz was an alumnus of the Graduate Institute. He received the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2007, together with Eric S. Maskin and Roger B. Myerson, for the formulation of mechanism design theory.

  • Laureate: Laura Minu Nowzohour, PhD in International Economics
    Thesis: “Essays in Environmental Macroeconomics”


The Anthropology and Sociology Department Prize


  • Laureate: Krithi Dakshina Ramaswamy, Master in Anthropology and Sociology
    Dissertation: “The Making of Good Work and Good People: Ethical Liberation in and through ASHA Work”
  • Honourable Mention: Jasmine Yoojin Have, Master in Anthropology and Sociology
    Dissertation: “Melting Landscapes: Human-Glacier Relations in Chamonix’s Mer de Glace”


The Mariano Garcia Rubio Prize


The Mariano Garcia Rubio Prize was created in May 2004 to honour the memory of a former assistant in the International Law Department. It is awarded each year to a student who writes the best master’s dissertation in international law.

  • Laureate: Margot Anastasia Donzé, Master in International Law 
    Dissertation: “Too Little, Too Late? The Recourse to Implied Derogations from the European Convention on Human Rights in Extraterritorial Armed Conflicts”


The Rudi Dornbusch Prize


This annual prize rewards a student who writes the best master’s dissertation in international economics. Rudi Dornbusch was an alumnus of the Institute and one of the most influential international economists of all time.

  • Laureate: Luigi Dante Gaviano, Master in International Economics
    Dissertation:  “Considering the Consequences of Consolidations”


The International Relations/Political Science Department Prize


  • Laureate: Sara Kallis, Master in International Relations / Political Science
    Dissertation: "Resisting the State, Escalating Under Repression? Violent and Non-Violent Tactical Adaptation"
  • Honourable Mention: Fabian Benjamin Hofmann, Master in International Relations / Political Science
    Dissertation: “Sousveilling the Smart City: Everyday Queer Resistance to Urban Surveillance in Singapore”


The Institute's Alumni Association Prize


This prize was established by the Alumni Association to reward a student from the Institute who prepares the most outstanding PhD thesis. It is awarded every year by each academic unit in turn.

  • Laureate: Rohit Ticku, PhD in Development Economics
    Thesis: “Empirical Essays on Conflict and Corruption”



The Arditi Prize in International Relations


In 1993, the Arditi Foundation created the Arditi Prize in International Relations, which is awarded to the best master’s dissertation in international studies or international affairs.

  • Laureate: Swadha Bharpilania, Master in International History and Politics
    Dissertation: “In Mem(e)oriam: Memes, Imaginations of the Past and New Ways of Telling History”


Student Leadership Award

The Student Leadership Award was created through a proposal by GISA in 2018 to reward outstanding student engagement through participation in student committees, student initiatives or other activities related to the Graduate Institute’s student life.

  • Laureates: Carmen Suleika Mané Granados, Master in International Law


Association Genève-Asie Prize

  • Laureate: Agathe Le Vaslot, Master in Development Studies
    Dissertation: “Knowledge Production and Negotiation between Development Actors and their Indigenous Other: A Case Study in the Upper Baram (Sarawak,