Applied Research Projects Catalog

The Applied Research Projects (ARPs) are a foundational component of the MINT. ARPs involve small student groups coming together to conduct policy-relevant research with partner organisations on issues relating to international relations and development.

Through ARPs, students learn and apply analytical and practical skills to policy-relevant issues. Students work under the supervision of a Faculty Lead and are expected to: elaborate project Terms of Reference and frame appropriate research questions; conduct in-depth literature reviews and design relevant methodologies; undertake original research; analyse primary data; write analytic preliminary and final reports; and present final research findings. Teamwork, collaboration, professionalism, effective communication, and problem solving are crucial skills that the ARP process aims to teach students.


Organisations working on issues of global concern are invited to submit applications to sponsor an ARP. Partner organisations are expected to provide guidance and support to students to generate research that is of policy and practical relevance. Applying to serve as an ARP Partner Organisation is a competitive process; successful applicants demonstrate a commitment to supporting students across the project period, including through the provision of technical expertise, supporting students’ professional learning, and helping students connect with other leading experts in the relevant field of practice.

  • ARP Partner Organisations are expected to:
  • provide overall framing of the research project;
  • participate in approximately 4 meetings with students across the project period;
  • attend the final presentation; 
  • provide feedback on and validate students’ deliverables,  including the Terms of Reference, Literature Review and Methodology, and the Preliminary and Final Reports.  

Students will select from the list of ARP Partner Projects at the end of September 2024, and will work on their projects from early October 2024 to mid-May 2025.


Applications for ARP Partner Organisations open in mid-May and will close on 31 July 2024.
For more information, please contact the Head of Applied Research Projects and Practice.