PhD in Political Science, Sciences Po, Paris
Professor of Political Sociology at the Anthropology and Sociology Department of the IHEID in Geneva, his main geographical area of fieldwork for the last 35 years has been the Near East with a particular focus on Jordan, Israel/Palestine and Lebanon. He has successively worked on issues of development policies and State-building; on humanitarian aid and refugees; and monitoring the impact of international aid on civilian populations. In addition to his PhD at SciencesPo, Paris, he has degrees in cultural anthropology, development studies and Arabic language. He has been director of the French Centre for Research on the Contemporary Middle East, based in Amman, and then Research Director at the Graduate Institute for Development Studies in Geneva. During the 2000s, he has led large-scale research projects on international aid in the Near East for United Nations’ agencies. His present research project titled ‘Violence, memory and cinema’ explores the role of documentary and fiction films in reconstructing collective identities during armed conflicts (Israel/Palestine) in post-civil wars (Lebanon) and in post-dictatorship contexts (Argentina and Chile).
- Armed conflicts, violence; Development, cooperation and aid policies; Humanitarian action, intervention; Immigrants, refugees, diasporas; Military occupation; Peacekeeping, peace-building, reconstruction policy; Reconciliation and conflict mediation; State-building / Sovereignty.
- 2017a (forthcoming) BOCCO, R. et PELLEGRINI, M., "Contre l’oubli : cinéma et disparitions forcées au Liban (1995-2015)", in : Normer l’oubli, V. Negri et I. Schulte-Tenckhoff (eds.), Paris, Editions IRJS (Institut de recherches juridiques de la Sorbonne).
- 2017b BOCCO, R, and AUSTIN, J., "Becoming a Torturer: Towards a Global Ergonomics of Care”, in: International Review of the Red Cross, Cambridge University Press.
- 2016 BENKIRANE, R., BOCCO, R. et GERMOND, C. (eds.), Religion et État: logiques de la sécularisation et de la citoyenneté en islam. Numéro spécial de la revue ‘Maghreb-Machreq’ (Paris), n°224-225, 156pp.
- 2015, AL HUSSEINI, J. et BOCCO, R., “Siyâsa al-musa’ida al-insâniyâh wa-l-laji’ûn al filistiniyûn”, in: Al laji’ûn al-filistiniyûn fî-l-Mashriq al-‘arabî (The Palestinian Refugees in the Near East) Beirut, Al Markaz al-‘arabî al-abhâth wa dirâsa al-siyâsât (Arab Centre for Research and Policy Studies), pp. 253-287.
- 2014b BELHADJ, S. and BOCCO, R., North Africa. Regional Perspectives for the White Paper on Peacebuilding. Geneva and New York, UN Peacebuilding Commission, 8pp.
- 2014a BOCCO, R. and BELHADJ, S., Middle East. Regional Perspectives for the White Paper on Peacebuilding. Geneva and New York, UN Peacebuilding Commission, 8pp.
- 2013b, BOCCO, R., JUTERSONKE, O. et STUCKI, Ph. « Le contexte helvétique », in : Traité des Relations Internationales, Th. Balzac-Braspenning et F. Ramel (eds.) Paris, Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques.
- 2013a BOCCO, R. « L’autre 11 septembre… Cinéma et mémoires de la dictature au Chili », in : L’ENA hors les murs, n°432, décembre, pp. 57-60.
- 2012 BOCCO, R., BOZARSLAN, H., SLUGLETT, P., TEJEL, J. (eds.). Writing the History of Irak : historiographical and political challenges. London, Imperial College Press and Singapore, World Scientific Publishers, 560pp.
- 2011 BOCCO, R., « Pratiques des lieux, logiques des pouvoirs : une lecture foucauldienne des espaces israélo-palestiniens », in : A l’Ombre du Mur. Israéliens et Palestiniens entre séparation et occupation, S. Latte Abdallah et C. Parizot (eds.), Arles, Actes Sud, pp. 283-304.
- 2010a BOCCO, R. “Al-Unrwa wa-l-laji’ûn al-filistiniyûn: tarikh mutadakhul” (UNRWA and the Palestinian Refugees: a history within History), in: Idâfât (The Arab Journal of Sociology), vol. pp. 141-168.
- 2010b AL HUSSEINI, J. and BOCCO, R., “Dynamics of humanitarian aid, local and regional politics: the Palestine refugees as a case study”, in: Palestinian Refugees. Identity, Space and Place in the Levant, A. Knudsen & S. Hanafi (eds.), London, Routledge, pp. 128-146.