Tech Week

AI is Calling 4-8 March 2024

Welcome to Tech Week, a dynamic and immersive experience designed to engage the Geneva Graduate Institute community in thought-provoking discussions, interactive workshops, and activities aimed at raising community awareness of digital responsibility and training in good cybersecurity practices.

Throughout the week, we've curated a diverse range of thought-provoking discussions, hands-on experiences, and opportunities to connect with experts in the field. 

Let's embark on this collective journey to shape a more mindful and intentional digital future together!

Tech week programme

AI is calling!


Staff and students please see the full tech week programme on our intranet


Monday 4 March


Internal Event |  12:15 - 13:45: Acculturation et Prospective - Intelligence Artificielle (in French)


Tuesday 5 March


Internal Workshop |  14:00 - 15:30: Chat With Your Data!


Internal Training |  14:00 - 15:30: Cyber Hygiene 2.0 Session: Elevate Your Digital Well-being


Wednesday 6 march


Internal Workshop |  12:15 - 13:45: Sociotechnical History of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTS): A Prime


Thursday 7 march


Open Event |  12:15 - 13:30: AI Politics Through Art and Design with Anthony Masure

From 2021, general public has discovered machine learning programs such as DALL-E, Midjourney and Disco Diffusion. These impressively high-quality, authorless pictures are provoking both wonder and debate in the international creative community. At the same time, these generative technologies are questioning the foundations of democracy, challenging notions of veracity, privacy, ownership and shared values. With its twofold American and Chinese hegemony, AI has become an insidious cultural model for the rest of the world. This lecture will study how art and design can help reveal these political issues and open other possible futures for AI.

This is a hybrid event. Register here.


Internal Workshop |  14:15 - 15:15: New and Alternative Search Tools Workshop  


Movie Screening |  20:30 - 22:30: Technology & The Future of our Societies - Grain @ Les Cinémas Du Grütli

In partnership with the State of Geneva, the HES-SO Genève, the University of Geneva and the Pôle de Création Numérique, this unique ciné-club examines the impact of technology on our society, exploring future perspectives while taking today's reality as a starting point.

After the movie screening, 3 experts will share their views and discuss the implications of the technology presented in the movie.

25 tickets will be offered to the first students from the Institute who register. Send an email to to be part of them!

For more information, click here.